Microsociety, Inc.

13 S 3rd St, Suite 500
Philadelphia, PA 19106

About Microsociety, Inc.

In a world that demands preparation to add value with increasing complexity, MicroSociety students have years of experience solving real world problems, thinking critically, collaborating in diverse teams and connecting subject matter and experiences in ways that foster creativity. From the time they enter the building each day, they are citizens aiming to achieve sustainable change in their world and ours. Graduates are more than college and career ready, they are innovation ready, equipped to take on global challenges and what’s more, they are intrinsically motivated to learn new knowledge and skills and to create new jobs when existing careers disappear.

Competitors of Microsociety, Inc.

Mojo Learning Inc.

Reading Kingdom teaches students to read and write with comprehension at a 3rd grade level (Lexile 750). The program's innovative techniques are extremely effective because they are based on a new “Phonics-PLUS” model of reading instruction. Read More

Denver Academy

Founded in 1972, Denver Academy (DA) believes that students thrive when taught in the way they learn best. DA is an independent school for grades 1 to 12 and is among the top schools in the nation dedicated to teaching diverse learners, including those with dyslexia and ADHD. DA’s innovative,... Read More

Ripple Effects is a digital tool that teaches kids SEL skills There are 430 lessons total: lessons that build SEL and cultural responsiveness (e.g. empathy, identity building, appreciating diversity); lessons that address behaviors (defiance, vaping); and lessons that address... Read More

Products by Microsociety, Inc.

By Microsociety, Inc.

With MicroSociety, school is society, a thriving, modern-day, mini-metropolis—complete with a government center, entrepreneurial hub, non-profit organizations, consumer marketplace, University and community gathering spaces—created and managed by students and facilitated by teachers and... Read more »