Tech4Learning, Inc.

6160 Mission Gorge Rd, Suite 206
San Diego, CA 92120

About Tech4Learning, Inc.

At Tech4Learning we believe in a vision of education where students are actively and creatively engaged in the learning process, and graduate prepared to use the skills and knowledge they have acquired.

Tech4learning is an innovative educational technology company that develops and markets original professional development programs and creativity products for K-12 education. Since the company was founded in 1999, we have focused on developing tools educators need to be successful with technology in their classrooms.

Tech4Learning has worked with schools and districts for over 20 years to help transform classrooms into active learning environments where students are engaged, build core subject knowledge, develop high-level thinking and communication skills, and graduate ready to embrace life in the 21st century. We can support your sustained professional learning program with training opportunities that provide new ideas and renewed energy through effective technology integration and project-based learning.

Today's students have spent their entire lives surrounded by information in a variety of mediums. Asking students to construct and showcase their knowledge using technologies they find exciting makes classroom learning relevant.

Tech4Learning produces software tools that provide a platform students can use to share knowledge and understanding, communicate original ideas and solutions, and share their passions with a worldwide audience. Tech4Learning tools help students develop 21st-century skills, including:

-Creativity and Innovation as they develop, implement, and communicate ideas and demonstrate originality and inventiveness.

-Critical Thinking and Problem Solving as they frame, analyze, and synthesize information to solve problems and answer questions.

-Communication and Collaboration as they effectively articulate thoughts and ideas clearly while sharing responsibility for collaborative work.

Competitors of Tech4Learning, Inc.



Exemplars publishes engaging performance tasks for assessment and instruction in Math, Science, and Writing. Our material helps students develop critical thinking, reasoning and communication skills to meet state and Common Core standards. Rubrics and student anchor papers are included. Read More

Founded in 1999, provides educators with solutions to prepare their students with critical digital skills. Our web-based curriculum for grades K-12 engages students as they learn keyboarding, online safety, applied productivity tools, computational thinking, coding, and more. Read More

Products by Tech4Learning, Inc.

By Tech4Learning, Inc.

Fuel your classroom with digital creativity! Wixie helps students share their ideas, imagination, and understanding through their writing, their voice, and their art. Wixie lets teachers easily plan, implement, and assess lessons whether students are working in class or at home. Read more »