526 S Maple Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48103


SchoolDoc is the leading electronic health record system for schools, designed by school nurses and administrators. Our secure, easy-to-use web-based solution helps schools manage health forms, medications/allergies and health logging throughout the school year.

Dr. Michael and the SchoolDoc Team work continuously to refine, improve and expand their exclusive technology.

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We provide technology solutions and services that remove barriers, helping higher education institutions achieve student success. Read More


At BambooHR, you can do work differently than you’ve ever done it before. Yes, we love building great HR software. It makes us happy. (Or nerds.) But what makes us happiest is knowing our software makes life better for our clients. We believe work should be an outlet for greatness. If we can... Read More


Providing a wide array of discounted fun activities at up to 55% off to employees of US corporations is all we do. Our no cost platform provides substantial savings on admission to amusement and water parks, theme rides, movie passes, dinner theaters and a host of family friendly activities.... Read More