College Living Experience

401 N Washington Street, Suite 420
Rockville, MD 20850

About College Living Experience

College Living Experience (CLE) is the industry’s leading provider of post-secondary supports for young adults with learning differences. Dedicated to providing the highest quality of services, we strive to propel young adults toward success as they journey through their transition to independence.

CLE students pursue their academic program or career of interest while also receiving services across the domains of independent living and social skill development.

Competitors of College Living Experience

Mojo Learning Inc.

Reading Kingdom teaches students to read and write with comprehension at a 3rd grade level (Lexile 750). The program's innovative techniques are extremely effective because they are based on a new “Phonics-PLUS” model of reading instruction. Read More

Denver Academy

Founded in 1972, Denver Academy (DA) believes that students thrive when taught in the way they learn best. DA is an independent school for grades 1 to 12 and is among the top schools in the nation dedicated to teaching diverse learners, including those with dyslexia and ADHD. DA’s innovative,... Read More

Ripple Effects is a digital tool that teaches kids SEL skills There are 430 lessons total: lessons that build SEL and cultural responsiveness (e.g. empathy, identity building, appreciating diversity); lessons that address behaviors (defiance, vaping); and lessons that address... Read More