
2321 N Loop Dr
Ames, IA 50010-8218

About BodyViz

BodyViz renders MRI and CT data directly into interactive 3D visualizations. With BodyViz, users easily manipulate and explore human anatomy, perform virtual dissections, collaborate and share content, annotate anatomical features, review lessons, and plan procedures.

Competitors of BodyViz

GameSalad, Inc

GameSalad, Inc

Turn game players into game creators! GameSalad teaches computer science to students 5th grade and up through video game creation. Students can make their own high quality mobile games rapidly and immediately deploy onto their mobile devices. Help students build confidence and mastery and set... Read More

Radix Technologies Ltd.

Radix Technologies Ltd.

Radix delivers cutting-edge device management and classroom management solutions. Our mission is to redefine device management and consolidate all devices, processes and stakeholders into one easy-to-use platform. We are a recognized world leader in Android enterprise single-purpose and VR... Read More
